Practically all honeys are liquid immediately after harvest. With a high glucose content, such as in dandelion or rapeseed honey, the natural hardening process sets in quickly, with other types such as acacia or forest honey much more slowly - but at some point all natural honey will harden.

Chestnut honey Orselina/Ticino
From SFr. 6.50

Alpine blossom honey Engadin
From SFr. 6.50

Alpine blossom honey Madris/Grisons
From SFr. 7.50

Alpine forest honey Riod/Valais
From SFr. 7

Blossom honey Valle Maggia/Ticino
From SFr. 6.50

Acacia honey Ligornetto/Ticino
From SFr. 6

Summer honey Diemtigtal/Bern
From SFr. 6

Spring honey Entlebuch/Lucerne
From SFr. 6.50

Lime honey Euseigne/Valais
From SFr. 7