A perfect start to the honey year 2022

A year ago we had to report at this point about an emerging, extremely difficult honey year - and now it looks exactly the opposite, because our beekeepers from all over Switzerland are talking about the perfect conditions for the bees at the moment!

The first spring honeys have already been harvested, including rare specialties such as heather honey from Surselva. You will soon find these honeys on this website.

We can already guarantee that we will add many new and very exciting honeys to our range. If summer goes just as well as spring, then we look forward to presenting you with all the richness and variety of the Swiss honey harvest at alpuris!

And one more piece of information for all Gion Grischott fans: In Pignia, too, things are looking good this year for wonderful spring honey (we won't definitely announce it until it's in the jar...). The fact that Gion is called the "Honey Guru of Graubünden" in Gault Millau and Andreas Caminada declares him the best beekeeper he knows certainly doesn't let the already huge demand drop...